Eventstellar – Blue Horizon

Blue Horizon (2017)

Blue Horizon is a 2017 music film directed by Magnus Einarsson and produced by Madelos Films. Released by Eventstellar on December 24, 2017 and published worldwide on December 22, 2021.

A depressed man decides to leave everything behind, looking for an answer to his own life. In a quest for a new beginning, torn by despair, he contemplates ending his existence but in a moment of surrender that propels him on a transformative trip, he decides to leave everything behind. Comforted by the majestic sea, he reflects on his past, confronts his mistakes, and allows himself to grieve. As tears flow, a sense of relief washes over him, leading him towards a newfound hope for the future.

Directed by
Magnus Einarsson

Written by:

Jesse Rómlárson

Produced by

Madelos Films


December 24, 2017

December 22, 2021