There is no sound with as much capability to take you on a journey beyond our mortal coil and transport you to another dimension as the delay. The shimmering, shuddering and gentle repetition is an echo of your inner-most thoughts, opening the door to an unspoken telepathy, a symbiotic experience between you and the music.
A dark and fiery statement in “Tales of Betrayal”
Eventstellar’s Tales of Betrayal is a sharp departure from the band’s earlier work, embracing a darker, more vengeful tone. Released on March 30, 2017, through Stormwind Music International, this single captures raw emotion and anger as the band confronts the impact of betrayal. Produced by John Scatter and Einar Einarsson, and mixed by Matt Dublin at The Warehouse Zone in Dublin, Tales of Betrayal stands out with its harsh lyrics and intense energy.
“Early Sessions” a single with raw and honest tracks
Eventstellar’s “Early Sessions” marks the band’s first release, a demo single capturing three early tracks produced by Matt Dublin at The Warehouse Zone in Dublin, Ireland. Released on January 30, 2017, through Stormwind Music International, the single introduces “Legacy,” “Without,” and “A School Tale” as snapshots of Eventstellar’s initial sound.
Following the Irish legacy
You’ve heard the story before. Beats, the pounding rhythms that capture our youth and propel us on a musical journey through high school, awaken us to a new world. Hairs standing on end, lyrics reverberating around our minds and melodies begging to be hummed. Everybody went through it. But something broke through the din of the music of the day. (more…)
From the third world with love
Reality TV is the opiate of the masses. Expanding waistbands and compressed sofa springs. Junk food and junk sitcoms. We see the stars from here, gazing into a gilded future of our own construction. We follow in the footsteps of celebrities and drop-outs, visionaries and maniacs, dream-weavers and hope-destroyers. (more…)
Older, wiser, stronger
The army was growing. Spurred on by the consistent, relentless ticking of the clock, he knew it was time to push on. The music was there and he’d stood up to the heat of the spotlights, but the dream still hadn’t turned into reality. He could feel it – it was within his grasp – but as he reached out he noticed that his hands were becoming weathered. (more…)
The blue horizon
The blue horizon stretches on, as if it will never cease. A horizon represents so many things and conjures so many pictures, so as I sit here and watch it stretch endlessly, I find myself hopelessly hopeful. I am lost in the blue of the blue sky and the blue sea and the blue horizon, falling into the blue and feeling blue in the big blue ocean. (more…)
Official website released
Eventstellar is now live! The official website serves as the ultimate destination for everything related to the band, offering an immersive experience that includes music, photos, videos, and exclusive information that fans have been eagerly anticipating.
This is your online home for all things about Eventstellar—a dynamic hub where fans from all corners of the globe can connect, explore, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and releases. Take your time to explore the site, and don’t forget to stay in the loop by following us on social media or subscribing to our YouTube channel via the link in the bottom right corner. Stay connected and be part of the Eventstellar journey!