“Island of Stars” is the debut extended play by Eventstellar, marking the birth of a powerful musical force. This EP weaves a profound and captivating narrative across seven transcendental tracks, drawing inspiration from the sea as a symbol of freedom. Island of Stars takes listeners on an introspective journey where dreams are realized, doubts are challenged, and personal liberation is sought.
In this extended play, Eventstellar introduces a unique blend of soft rock and alternative rock, laying the foundation for their signature transcendental rock genre. Island of Stars captures the essence of human emotion and spirituality, creating a transformative musical experience.
Recorded from May to October 2016, Island of Stars represents Eventstellar’s first commercial EP release. Produced and recorded by Matt Dublin and Eventstellar at Madelos Studios in Reykjavik, Iceland, it was mixed and mastered by Michael Nikou at Mic Nix Studios in Adelaide, Australia.
Released worldwide by Madelos Music International on May 29, 2017, it was re-released online in May 2024.
Release date:
May 29, 2017
Matt Dublin & Eventstellar
Michael Nikou
Madelos Music
Recorded at:
Madelos Studios
Mixed and mastered at:
Mic Nix Studios
Transcendental rock & Soft rock
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