“Mike Sand Vol. III” brings the three-part anthology of the legendary Mike Sand Brand to its conclusion. Released on October 22, 2018, and re-released in October 2024, this eighteenth single from Eventstellar marks the culmination of a playful yet reverent tribute to a luthier of mythical proportions. Produced by Chocoleit Karl and engineered by Thor Linnane at Skögalfoss Studios in Reykjavik, Iceland, this final volume blends post-grunge influences with soft rock, adding emotional depth and a touch of irony to the saga.
The opening track, Master Sand Guitar (Extreme – Templo Version), revisits the beloved theme of craftsmanship from Vol. I but this time with a darker, more introspective twist. The post-grunge elements evoke a raw energy, reminiscent of Goo Goo Dolls and Nickelback with a nod to the musical ethos of Extreme. While the song carries the familiar tale of Sand as the master luthier, it explores themes of resilience, truth, and the artistry that transcends superficial recognition. It’s a love song of sorts, not just for Sand’s craftsmanship, but for the loyal friendship and understanding shared between Sand and his circle. The track’s evocative lyrics tell of “old wood reborn in the sounds of time,” symbolizing the enduring connection between the artist and his creations.
Ciabatta of Love takes a surprisingly tender turn. Though the track’s origin in local jokes might be evident to those familiar with the characters involved, it resonates with a certain quiet affection. Written in a soft rock style, the song tells the story of John P, a chef preparing his “ciabattas of love,” his love for a character referred to as “The Egg” roll. Their bond, nurtured in secret moments and starry-eyed exchanges, subtly hints at the complexity of love and the deep connections that often go unnoticed. The metaphors of cooking, tenderness, and longing come together to create a heartfelt narrative, layered with humor but rich in emotion.
Finally, The Chronicles of Willy Royaltown introduces the nemesis to Mike Sand—a character from the Pisces realm of Montefalco Planet. In this post-grunge anthem, Willy Royaltown emerges as a self-proclaimed king, singing his songs to the oppressed citizens of his kingdom. His tyranny clashes with the wisdom and might of the grey Sand, leading to a showdown of epic proportions. The story of their battle in the “Egg Garlic” hall is both fantastical and absurd, as the ruthless Grey Sand ultimately prevails, ensuring that Willy’s terrible songs will no longer disturb the peaceful domain. The closing lines echo the ongoing struggle between peace and discord, with John P caught in the crossfire of this mythical conflict.
“Mike Sand Vol. III” concludes the saga with both an irreverent sense of humor and a deeper exploration of the bonds that tie these characters together. What began as a playful tribute to a master luthier concludes with a grand and somewhat surreal battle between good and evil, with love, friendship, and music at the core of the narrative. The final volume captures the essence of what it means to be a legend—an unshakable force whose influence persists, whether recognized or not, in the faces of those who know the real story.