“The Shadow Eye” released on April 22, 2017. This production marks Eventstellar’s ninth single and explores two profound themes: the concept of death and the mysteries hidden in the cosmic shadow. The song was recorded in February 2017 at The Warehouse in Dublin, mixed at Skógafoss Studios in Reykjavik, and mastered at Mic Nix Studios in Adelaide. Produced by Soun Kanda and Matt Dublin, with mixing by Thor Linnane, the track blends alternative rock with a dark, atmospheric vibe.
The song’s lyrics explore the Saros cycle, a periodical eclipse event that mirrors the constant dance between light and shadow. “The Saros” symbolizes this cosmic interplay, emphasizing the cyclical nature of time and ancient secrets revealed through the stars. It captures the quiet beauty and terror of existence, where shadows guide our journey, hinting at secrets we cannot see but feel.
In “The Shadow Eye,” the eerie presence of death is felt as a persistent companion. From the image of a shadowy figure to the disquieting sensation of being followed, the song evokes the unsettling awareness of something always watching. The haunting chorus, “It’s the shadow eye, in the dark, in the mind, in time,” ties the supernatural with the psychological, blurring the lines between life, death, and everything in between.
The companion track, “Umbra,” continues the theme of transition, where shadows briefly kiss the sky before dawn breaks. The umbra, the shadow cast during an eclipse, symbolizes the fleeting nature of darkness, suggesting a cosmic harmony between night and day, life and death.
“The Shadow Eye” is a contemplative journey through the unknown, where light and dark are not opposites but partners in a never-ending cosmic dance.